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Pool Safety Tips from the Insurance Professionals at Boynton & Boynton
A swimming pool can bring many hours of enjoyment in the Spring & Summer seasons. But, a drowning can happen in the blink of an eye, and often occurs when you are NOT outside. Tragically, over 200 young children drown in backyard swimming pools each year.

Here are some pool safety tips to pass along to increase the degree of safety this year:

  • The pool area should be fenced & locked. Completely surround your pool with a 4-feet high fence or barrier with a self-closing, self-latching gate.
  • Place a safety cover on the pool or hot tub when not in use and remove any ladders or steps used for access.
  • If the pool is above-ground, lock the gates & steps leading into the pool.
  • Use a pool alarm if there are small children in the home or neighborhood.
  • Ensure everyone in the home knows how to swim well by enrolling them in age-appropriate water orientation and learn-to-swim courses.
  • Don’t leave inflatable or other devices floating in the pool. This can be an attraction for small children.
  • Ensure everyone in the home knows how to respond to aquatic emergencies by having appropriate safety equipment and taking water safety

Pool safety should be the responsibility of all household members.

Some tips may seem to be common knowledge, but the number of drownings that occur each year proves that they are worth repeating!

If you have any questions about insurance coverage, our personal insurance experts are ready to help you today.

Insurance for Pools from Boynton & Boynton Insurance Professionals.


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